November 2024
MONDAY, Oct. 28th / Objective: Culture Week - La Semana de la Cultura / Lesson for DAY OF THE DEAD - El Dia de Los Muertos, a MEXICAN TRADITION. Students will review information about Day of the Dead celebration. Go over the information from the handout provided in class. This information will be on the next test on Thursday, Nov. 14th. Read the information from the links attached in Google Classroom. Complete some activities in class to review Day of the Dead information. Watch videos in class this week for Day of the Dead. Use Chromebooks and headphones in class. REMINDERS: Complete the two (2) EdPuzzles (Due date Tuesday, Oct. 29th). Bring Charged Chromebooks for class tomorrow. Bring colored pencils and/or markers for class on Wed. Oct. 30th. Be Prepared for class!!! Notes to Read: Day of the Dead, or Día de los Muertos, is a holiday that honors deceased loved ones and celebrates their lives. It's celebrated in Mexico and Central America, as well as by people of Mexican heritage around the world. The Day of the Dead, or Día de los Muertos, is celebrated on November 1 and 2, and is a combination of the ancient Aztec tradition of honoring ancestors and the Catholic holiday of All Souls' Day. Traditionally, November 1st honors deceased children and November 2nd honors deceased adults. Day of the Dead is celebrated passionately throughout Mexico, and especially so in smaller provincial towns and cities. November 2nd is an official Public Holiday in Mexico. In Spain, November 1st it is known as 'Día de Todos los Santos' (All Saints Day) and November 2nd as 'Día de los Muertos/Difuntos' (Day of the Dead/All Souls Day).
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REMINDER: Bring colored pencils, and/or markers for class tomorrow. Be Prepared for Class!!!
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TUESDAY, Oct. 29th / Two (2) EdPuzzles are due today. Activity for Day of the Dead: Sentences and Summary for Day of the Dead. Continue watching videos about Day of the Dead. Use Chromebooks & headphones. Work quietly - Class Participation. Follow directions given in class. REMINDER: Bring colored pencils, and/or markers for class tomorrow. Be Prepared for Class!!!
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Edpuzzle - DAY OF THE DEAD ALTAR/OFRENDA 🧡 | how to make an ofrenda
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Edpuzzle - What is Day of the Dead?
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REMINDER FOR TOMORROW, Oct. 31st: Bring your food and/or candy to celebrate Day of the Dead in class.
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WEDNESDAY, Oct. 30th / Coloring and labeling vocabulary for Day of the Dead. Use your colored pencils and/or markers to complete your work.
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2nd REMINDER FOR TOMORROW, Oct. 31st: Bring your food to celebrate Day of the Dead in class.
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THURSDAY, Oct. 31st / Celebration for Day of the Dead in class / La Celebración para El Dia de los Muertos en la clase. The students can celebrate Day of the Dead in class. Students can bring their food/candy.
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FRIDAY, Nov. 1st / Last day for Culture Week - Day of the Dead Celebration in class - La Celebración para El Día de los Muertos en la clase. REMINDER: The information covered in class about Day of the Dead tradition will be on the Test on Thursday Nov. 14th. FELIZ DIA DE LOS MUERTOS!
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MONDAY, Nov. 4th / Lesson for Present Progressive Tense in Spanish - El Tiempo Progresivo en Español ("-ing" endings) = "ar" (ando)and "er" & "ir" (iendo") Ch. 12 pp. 409-413 (Textbook). Write out the information from the Textbook pp. 409 and 412. Learn how to form Present Progressive in Spanish. Go over rules for this Tense. Go over Regular, Stem-Changing, and Irregular verb conjugations in the Present Progressive Tense / Class notes. Read the information from the attached handouts. Watch the videos to review the material. Take notes from the videos (Use Chromebooks & Headphones). HOMEWORK: Study for the test next week, Thursday, November 14th. Study Rules and Verb Conjugations for the Present Progressive Tense. Study also the material covered in class for "Day of the Dead" tradition (Handout with important facts about the Celebration given in class on Monday, Oct. 28th). REMINDER: Bring Charged Chromebooks for class tomorrow.
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TUESDAY, Nov. 5th / Continue with Present Progressive Tense. Go over information from the handout "Lesson For Present Progressive". Read, highlight, and complete the exercises from the handout: Complete Intentalo, #'s 1, 2, 4, & 5 (See the attached handout). HOMEWORK: Study Present Progressive Tense and Day of the Dead material for the Test next week, Thursday, Nov. 14th. Bring Charged Chromebooks for class tomorrow.
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WEDNESDAY, Nov. 6th / Translate some sentences using the Present Progressive Tense. Use Chromebooks in class. After completing the sentences, check the Answer Key. Reminder: These sentences will be on the test.
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Answer Key to check the sentences.
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THURSDAY, Nov. 7th / Work on Workbook. Use Chromebooks in class. HOMEWORK: Study for the test next week, Thursday, November 14th. Study the information from the textbook, class notes, and handouts. The test will cover rules, verb conjugations, and sentences using the Present Progressive Tense in Spanish. Watch the Videos posted on Google Classroom (Under Monday, Nov. 4th) to review material for the test. The test will also include information about "Day of the Dead" tradition - Handout with the important facts about this celebration. This handout was provided in class on Monday, Oct. 28th. REMINDER: Bring Charged Chromebooks for class tomorrow.
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FRIDAY, Nov. 8th / 10th grade Student Life Trip to Atlanta. Nov. 8, 9, 10. Work on Duolingo. REMINDERS: Bring Charged Chromebooks for class next Monday, Nov. 11th. Study Present Progressive Tense for the Test next week, Thursday, Nov. 14th.
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REMINDER: Bring Charged Chromebooks for class tomorrow. The students will need to use their Chromebook to complete the quiz on Google Forms. Be prepared for class!!!
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MONDAY, Nov. 11th / 2nd Week / Review Week / Test Week. Continue with Present Progressive Tense in Spanish - El Tiempo Progresivo en Español. Go over "Task Cards" to review for the test this week. Complete the questions from the "Task Cards". REMINDERS: Bring Charged Chromebooks for class tomorrow. You will need the Chromebooks to complete the Quiz on Google Forms. Study for the test Thursday, Nov. 14th.
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Edpuzzle - Veterans Day
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TUESDAY, Nov. 12th / Take the Quiz to review Present Progressive Tense in Spanish. Use Chromebooks to complete the Quiz on Google Forms. Submit your responses. HOMEWORK: Study for the test on Thursday, November 14th. Study the material covered in class last week and this week. Study information from the textbook, class notes, and handouts. The test will cover rules, verb conjugations, and sentences using the Present Progressive Tense in Spanish. The test will also cover information about the "Day of the Dead" tradition. Study information from the handout with the important facts about this celebration (This handout was provided in class on Monday, Oct. 28th). Watch the Videos posted on Google Classroom under Monday, Nov. 4th to review Present Progressive Tense for the test.
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Complete the Quiz in class. Work quietly. FOLLOW DIRECTIONS - CLASS PARTICIPATION.
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WEDNESDAY, Nov. 13th / Review material for the test (See the attachment). Questions and answers. Practice in class. HOMEWORK: Study for the test tomorrow Thursday, November 14th. Study the material covered in class last week and this week. Study information from the textbook, class notes, and handouts. The test will cover rules, verb conjugations, and sentences using the Present Progressive Tense in Spanish. The test will also cover information about the "Day of the Dead" tradition. Study information from the handout with the important facts about this celebration (This handout was provided in class on Monday, Oct. 28th). Watch the Videos posted on Google Classroom under Monday, Nov. 4th to review material for the test.
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THURSDAY, Nov. 14th / MAJOR TEST # 8 (Combined Test) Spanish Present Progressive Tense & Day of the Dead information. REMINDER: Bring Charged Chromebooks and Headphones for class tomorrow. Students will work on Duolingo. Be Prepared for Class!!!
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FRIDAY, Nov. 15th / Work on Duolingo in class. Use Chromebooks and headphones. Work quietly - Follow Directions (Class Participation).
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MONDAY, Nov. 18th / Lesson for Spanish Commercials - Los Comerciales en Español: Watch the videos. Work on Activity Packet. REMINDERS: Students must use Chromebooks in class this week. Bring Charged Chromebooks for class tomorrow. Activity Packet is due Wed. Nov. 20th. Quiz in Google Form is due Thursday, Nov. 21st (Must use Chromebooks to work on Quiz). READ: Ads in the Spanish language can be some of the most unique and amusing you will ever come across, especially if you're interested in learning Spanish. Engagement with Spanish TV and videos is known to be a fun and established way to learn the language. It improves your listening comprehension and vocabulary acquisition. Immersing yourself in video content is a natural way to absorb the language. You can watch the commercial videos and get vocabulary in Spanish. Try to practice Spanish by listening to videos.
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TUESDAY, Nov. 19th / Continue working on Spanish Commercials Activity Packet during class time. Use Chromebooks and Headphones. Work quietly (Class participation grade). REMINDERS: Activity Packet is due tomorrow, Wed. Nov. 20th. Bring Charged Chromebooks for class.
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WEDNESDAY, Nov. 20th / Spanish Commercials Activity Packet is Due during class time. REMINDERS: Bring Charged Chromebooks for class tomorrow. Students will need their Chromebook to take the Quiz. Be Prepared for Class!!!
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THURSDAY, Nov. 21st / Complete the Quiz in Google Form. Submit your responses. Use highlighters to complete the activity from the handout provided in class.
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FRIDAY, Nov. 22nd / Activity for Thanksgiving.
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Edpuzzle - The Story of the Pilgrims for Kids: A brief history of Pilgrims and the first Thanksgiving
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