Reading 2024

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Monday  December 2  Reading in Google Classroom

Monday December 2 Reading

Theme 5 Week 1
1. Introduce the new theme and sight words for the week. NO READING TEST THIS WEEK!
2. Read aloud the “Moving Day” on pages 16-42, and “Hermit Crab” on pages 46-49. We will complete a comprehension page that corresponds with the story, "Moving Day".
3. Discuss the stories, and practice the reading skill-comparing/contrasting.

HW: Practice reading this week’s sight words. NO READING TEST THIS WEEK!
Last Modified: Sunday, December 1 7:45 AM


Tuesday  December 3  Reading in Google Classroom

Tuesday December 3 Reading

1. Review the sight words. NO READING TEST THIS WEEK!
2. The class will read the story, "Moving Day" on page 16 in the reading book.
3. Read the phonics reader, “Such Good Bugs" as a class and complete a comprehension page along with the class.
4. Students will be completing independent seatwork and learning center activities. 

HW: Read and have signed the phonics reader, "Such Good Bugs". Return tomorrow.
Practice reading this week’s sight words.  NO READING TEST THIS WEEK!
Last Modified: Sunday, December 1 7:45 AM


Wednesday  December 4  Reading in Google Classroom

Wednesday December 4 Reading

1. Review the sight words. NO READING TEST THIS WEEK!
2. The class will read “Hermit Crab” on pages 46-49.
3. Students not in reading groups will be completing independent seatwork and learning center activities.
4. The class will complete a center reviewing the letter 'y' making the vowel sound ' i ' or ' e '. We will also complete a sight word graph.

HW: Practice reading this week’s sight words. NO READING TEST THIS WEEK
Last Modified: Sunday, December 1 7:45 AM