Alumni » Welcome Alumni

Welcome Alumni

Welcome Alumni!

Alumni Association of Pillow Academy


The purpose of the Alumni Association of Pillow Academy shall be to advance the goals of Pillow Academy and to increase its usefulness by promoting a close relationship and better understanding between the school and its alumni.

Welcome to the alumni portion of the website!  As we look to the future, we feel that we must do our best to keep in touch with our graduates.  The Alumni Association will help alumni worldwide keep the Mustang Spirit strong.  We hope this site allows you to continue to make lifelong connections with fellow alumni and school happenings.

There are new options on our website for you to search reunion and events, nominate for alumni awards, and update your information.  Pillow Academy alums have many fond memories of a school that shaped their lives and equipped them for their future. We encourage each of you to stay in touch by sending us your news.   [email protected]

Please update your contact information:  [email protected]

Our most current events will be posted on this page.  The alumni council and class representatives are always available to assist  you along with our alumni office.  Also, please like and follow us on Facebook–Alumni Association of Pillow Academy.

Also, we would like your assistance in collecting the updated contact information for the alumni of each class. If you are interested in being a class representative to help with this project, please contact me via email [email protected].

Upcoming Events
See Alumni Reunions and Events for Class reunion information!

Submit announcements–engagements, weddings, births, promotions, etc. — Click Here.

This is your alumni webpage, please email suggestions and information to the alumni office:   [email protected]