WEDNESDAY, Feb. 1st / Review material for the Test. Practice conjugations with Stem-Changing verbs (See the attachment). HOMEWORK: Study for the test tomorrow Thursday, Feb. 2nd. Go over Infinitive verbs in Spanish. Study Present Tense of regular verbs, rules, conjugations, sentences, and vocabulary (First week). Study Present Tense of Stem-Changing verbs, rules, conjugations, sentences, and vocabulary from this lesson (Second week). REMINDER: Students can use their worksheets & Handouts on the test tomorrow.
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MONDAY, Feb. 6th / Present Tense of Irregular verbs in Spanish (3rd Category). Definition of Irregular verbs. Go over the list with the Most Common Irregular verbs in Spanish - Pronunciation (Handout). Go over the conjugations for Irregular verbs (Textbook pp. 97, 157, 192, 221, 223, 287, 288, 317, 347, 351, 501, & 502). These verb conjugations will be on the test. Complete the charts in English and Spanish with the correct Irregular verb conjugations. Practice sentences using Irregular verbs. HOMEWORK: Watch the video to practice Irregular verbs in Spanish. Complete the exercises from the handout provided in class. Go over Irregular verbs in Spanish (Meanings and Conjugations). The test for this lesson will be on Thursday, Feb. 9th. STUDY!!!
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